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2 min read
Ask Doc Rock | Oversexed and Not Feelin' It
Dear Doc Rock, I'm seeing this guy and I really like him. We get along great and love being around each other. There's only one problem:...
1 min read
Ask Doc Rock | Robbin' The Cradle
Dear Doc. Roc, Is it wrong for a 20 year old to sleep with a 16 year old? Sincerely, Robbing the Cradle Dear Robbing, In short, yes it...
2 min read
Ask Doc Rock | It's Gettin' Hot in Here
Dear Doc Rock, I'm not even sure how to ask this question.... I LOVE sex... like on an everyday basis. When I try to initiate it with my...
2 min read
Ask Doc Rock | Strippin' Away Some Doubt
Dear Doc. Rock, My boyfriend is going to a bachelor party and they are going to be going to strip clubs. I trust him, I really do, but it...
1 min read
Ask Doc Rock | New is Not Always Better
Dear Doc Rock, My boyfriend really likes anal sex but I don't. Every time we get intimate with each other he thinks its ok to try it but...
2 min read
Ask Doc Rock | Does it Really Matter?
Doc Rock, Does penis size really matter? From, Small Fry Dear Small Fry, I applaud your confidence in asking such a personal question,...
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